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Slime Politicians

They are bought by special interest groups, so most all are extremely compromised.

Currently, only 19 states allow recall elections of statewide elected officials, but other states have recently considered establishing recall procedures.

Recall differs from another method for removing officials from office—impeachment—in that it is a political device while impeachment is a legal process. Impeachment typically requires a state legislature’s lower chamber to bring specific charges, and the upper chamber to act as the jury in an impeachment trial.

Corruption traps can arise from coordination challenges and breakdowns among and between three key sets of political actors: incumbent politicians, the pool of possible political entrants, and voters. 

There are challenges faced by each set of actors, their interactions, and ways in which these challenges could potentially be overcome. 

Three particular processes may help or hinder the ability to break out of corruption traps: (1) collective action and coordination among voters, (2) strategic obstruction by incumbents, and (3) mechanisms of political selection and the availability of non-corrupt challengers.


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