DOD aka Department of Defense

 The Department of Defense is headed by the secretary of defense, retired Gen. Lloyd Austin, a cabinet-level head who reports directly to the president of the United States. 

Beneath the Department of Defense are three subordinate military departments: the Department of the Army, Gen. James C. McConville, the Department of the Navy, Navy Secy Thomas W. Harker and the Department of the Air Force, Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. 

Problem:  If there were ever clear evidence that Biden/Dems/Commies had acted to subvert the Constitution, and Congress proved unable or unwilling to impeach Biden, the military's first obligation might come in question. 

Problem:  All the recently appointed heads are great Democrats and would strongly stifle any sort of military insurrection or rebellion.  

The US military’s oath is taken to defend the Constitution.   The Constitution authorizes states to appoint electors “in such a manner as the legislature . . . may direct.”  

A State may not substitute their judgment for the will of the people by directly appointing their preferred slate of electors after Election Day. 

Nor  may they use delays in counting ballots or resolving election disputes as a pretext for usurping the popular vote.  Doing so would violate federal law and undermine fundamental democratic norms, and it could also jeopardize a state’s entitlement to have Congress defer to its chosen slate of electors. 

Problem:  Delays in counting ballots was used in the 2020 election and that violates federal law and the Constitution.  NOW WHAT?

Why do you suppose Tucker Carlson is being attacked by the Military?  Pregnant women?  Maternity flight suits?  Absolutely nothing to do with military intervention.


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